Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 27

So here I am at the end of week 27. Definitely getting bigger. Oh and I got my hair cut!

Spencer's Room Part 1

Marc and I were anxious to get started on the baby's room. Who, by the way, we have named Spencer. So we worked hard on Memorial Day weekend to tackle this project. It first involved emptying the room of its current contents (a whole bedroom suite) and moving that into the office/craft room.

Then we started painting. Don't worry it was well ventilated. 3 coats on the bottom and 2 coats on the top. Then we painted the chair rail and the following weekend we put it up. We also put up trim around the closet doors. I will say his room is the nicest in the house.

The next step is to do the finish work on the trim and then set up the crib. I am excited to do that and then start moving things into his room and getting ready for him. I think this is commonly referred to as the nesting stage of pregnancy. :)

Before shot

Marc did all of the intricate work as I painted the larger parts. Chocolate sprinkle on the bottom.
This was my first time painting. Not bad for a beginner. We put "rejuvenate" on the top half of the wall. It is a light green.

Voila! The painting is done and the chair rail and trim are next to go up.

Spencer's Room Part 2

I definitely look very pregnant in this picture. This is me learning how to use the nail finishing gun. I did it once and that was enough for me.

Marc put up most of the chair rail, while I held it in place. He did a spectacular job and looked so manly and proud holding his (borrowed) power tool.

Out of order, but more pics from the Zoo

Had to add a few more.

I think the lion was my favorite this trip. He strutted his stuff and then walked directly towards us. Of course there was a glass enclosure separating us, but it was like he had his eyes on us and was walking right to us. Everyone in the group started to lean back the closer he got. He ended up coming up to the glass and then turning around and sitting down with his rump against the glass. The kids loved it.

Hippos are my favorite animal so I had to get a shot of them.

You can't see as well in the picture, but the giraffes were being hilarious. They had their necks intertwined and kept "head-butting" each other. Pretty funny to watch.

Class trip to Seattle

It is a tradition at my school that the 5th grade classes go on an overnight trip to Seattle. I went last year and loved it. This year I was a little bit concerned about going because I was going to be 25 weeks pregnant and knew we were doing lots of walking. So Marc came on the trip and we had a blast with my students. We went to an IMAX on the Grand Canyon (which was really a political ranting about water conservation...which is a good thing, don't get me wrong. Maybe just a little over the heads of 11 year olds though). We toured the Pacific Science Center, went up the Space Needle, spent the night at a hotel (as compared to sleeping on the floor of the Science Center), went to the Zoo (my FAVORITE part) and then on a Ferry ride. It was a tiring trip, but so fun.

On top of the Space Needle

At the Pacific Science Center

I can not fully describe how animated the animals were. We caught them on a great day. The gorilla walked right passed us and then put his hand against the glass. The kids all put their hands there too and were screaming. That gorilla was HUGE.

We heard the tiger roaring and decided to go check it out. He was pacing back and forth and kept stopping to look at the crowd. He started to jump down each level of his enclosure to the point where he actually jumped out of sight. At that point we decided to leave, since we weren't too interested in having any experience like the San Diego zoo mauling. So we hussled out of there quick quick.

Week 21

Here is a shot of me at week 21. At least I can still see my toes. I am sure that will change.

Our little baby

The 20 week ultra sound was incredible. We were hoping to find out the gender of our baby, so I took the advice of a good friend (thanks Amber) and drank some caffeine before going. It worked and baby was able to give us the "money shot" we were hoping for. So we are proud to announce that we are having a baby BOY! I think it took both Marc and I by surprise. Everyone around here kept telling us they thought it was a girl. And well, we kind of did too. When the technician confirmed it was a boy, Marc was speechless. It was pretty funny. I think he was in shock. He said afterwards that he didn't realize how much he wanted a boy until the technician started doing all the measurements. So we are pretty happy that our baby is healthy and looked like a baby (or maybe a bit alien ish....but I know that will change!).

Our little man

We love this one because it looks like he is kissing his bicep. Showing off already. :)

Some serious gifts from my first Baby Shower. My mother-in-law hosted it in Spokane while my parents were in town. It was really special to have my mom there.

As you can see we were really blessed from this shower. And to think I have 2 more to come. God has blessed us with a lot of love and support.

Spring Break

Week 20

My parents flew out for Spring Break. We got back from our friend's wedding and seeing Sam and Jenna, then picked up my parents the next day. It was GREAT to have them here. They hadn't seen our home or me pregnant. They spoiled us rotten. The other really exciting thing that happened this week was my 20 week ultra sound. So my mom accompanied Marc and I to the ultra sound and we were able to find out the gender of the baby. Hooray!

Comparing the size of my tummy to my dad's. He has me beat!

Grandma and Grandpa Spencer

Mom and Dad at a viewpoint in Richland