Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Sabbath

Hi there,

It is Monday. One of my favorite days of the week. Why? Most people can't stand Monday mornings. My schedule is different than most people. There are pros and cons that come with weekly timeline in pastoring people. I love my job as a Family Pastor. It is hard work in almost every sense of the word. One of the biggest blessings is discovering God more and allowing His grace and truth to transform my life. Mondays are my days to set aside for physical rest, spiritual renewal, and solitude.

I love to pray on these days, read my Bible and other books. I journal my thoughts and feelings and that helps me rest too. I need it today! You see for the past 2.5 weeks, I've been working hard and long to prepare our church ministry leaders for fall discipleship ministry. What an emotional and spiritual journey! Last night Pastor Wes, Katrina, Pastor Ryan, and myself spoke about fall discipleship transitions to about 85 church members. The 2.5 weeks of hard work payed off as we boldly painted a picture of single-minded purpose for our Wednesday night's discipleship ministries. I hope all of you can find a one day a week to unplug and spend time with Father God and your love ones nearest you. It is so hard when our days are planned 5-10 weeks in advance. I guess we need to plan down time.

God has been training me to spend down time with Him and Katrina. Now amount of reading or writing or TV can replace my time waiting on Him in solitude. Katrina adds a huge dimenions of health to my life. She loves me for who I am.

So, I'm hanging out at home today. Going to mow that back lawn and I might go for a bike ride and pick up a bike lock and an attached water bottle. Here is a pic of my new ride. I ride to work Tuesday - Friday. Feeling the cool breeze on the way to work at 8:15a.m. is refreshing. It's about a 9min ride over 1.5miles of mostly flat subdivision asphalt.

Grace and Peace, M

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Around The House

On July 16 Katrina and I danced in our living room! We were joined by great friends in packing up the dearest Eagles Nest and moving 1.5 miles northwest to our new home (yet to be named) on Duluth Street. It was hot, just below 100'F outside and much warmer in the tin-box U-Haul rental. Like my brother Matu, we were blessed with the oldest U-Haul in the Tri-Cities. It was a 5speed diesel beast from the 1980s. Good thing I clocked 3miles in total distance for the day. Hey, for under $40 bucks you just can't beat it!

I find it hard to write in words how grateful I feel about this new home. Katrina and I often catch ourselves praising God together for this over-the-top gift! One of my favorite parts of the house is the back deck and pergola. Weather permitting, I bring my Bible and journal out back and soak in the morning rays and view the green mature landscape. Oh, and I fight off the pesky squirrels with our automatic airsoft handgun.

Baby Ellie's perfect arrival!

Congrats to my awesome brother Matu and sister Jen on their becoming...parents! Ya! Katrina and I were shocked with joyful news this past Sunday morning. Matu called and left the best voicemail ever: "Jen had baby Ellie this morning before 5am!" I rushed to call Matu back in all my excitement. He answered from Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, WA. Baby Ellie and Mom were both healthy! She weighs about 6.5lbs and 19 1/2 inches long. She is the cutest little doll this side of the Great Lakes. I say perfect arrival because so many family and friends were able to travel over Labor Day Weekend to celebrate with Matu and Jen. Before we left town on Monday, Katrina and stopped by Matu and Jen's new house to hold Ellie and celebrate with her proud parents again. She seemed so small in that big house. Katrina loved her little wrinkles. What beautiful baby girl. Katrina and I join the rest of the fam and friends in shouting Hallelujah to God in the Highest for His good and precious gift....Ellie Anne Henshaw born with speed 9-2-07